Trouble sleeping

I have terrible trouble sleeping. I either can't get to sleep or I wake up multiple times throughout the night. I've always had this problem, started in my teens, but I'm still like it now despite originally everyone telling me it was a girl thing and related to puberty.

I used to think it was where I'm just weird but now I have been diagnosed with Autism and according to the woman who assessed me this is common for people with Autism.

I wonder what causes the sleep difficulties?

For me I wonder if it's anxiety related as this is something I struggle with chronically on a daily basis but it could also be things like my mind not being able to ignore things like the wind blowing, or the house creaking... Or my head aching when I lay a certain way on my pillow.

I'm very sensitive to a lot of things and I wonder if this is also causing me grief when trying to get to sleep.

I'm still learning so much about autism and myself. Sorry if this has been mentioned before and if it's not even related to Autism.

  • I've suffered from sleep problems almost my entire life. I often wake up at 4am and can't get back to sleep.

    It's a combination of things. 

    1. I was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat, this caused me to wake up completely instantly.
    2. Anxiety causes me difficulty to even fall asleep.
    3. Physical exersion during the day helps sleep at night.
    4. Falling asleep during the day causes sleep problems at night.
    5. A new pillow has helped my sleep.
  • Thanks for the list and I'm glad you find help in some of these x

    I've tried new pillows but I think one of my biggest problems might be that I don't do enough during the day to tire myself out properly. My days consist of computer programming and watching films and listening to music.

    I need to do more physical activities but I'm not sure what.

  • Thanks for the list and I'm glad you find help in some of these x

    I've tried new pillows but I think one of my biggest problems might be that I don't do enough during the day to tire myself out properly. My days consist of computer programming and watching films and listening to music.

    I need to do more physical activities but I'm not sure what.

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