What life hacks have you discovered that have helped you with your autism?

from executive dysfunction hacks to social hacks. It's an open-ended question.

  • Hi You might find this acronym useful when you feel overwhelmed or emotional and you don’t know why:

    H - hunger 

    A - angry 

    L - lonely 

    T - tired

    You can ask yourself if any these things listed above are unmet needs and then once they are met you can hopefully feel more regulated.

    Also here is a great graphic about task switching which you might find helpful for your executive functioning differences:


    The single most meaningful difference I made is belonging to an autistic community such as this one! Absolutely made such a huge difference to my mental health. 
    I think learning about my autistic profile has also been really helpful for my sense of identity, purpose and ability to self advocate.

    Therefore building boundaries is also really important but in order to understand what your boundaries are, you might need to learn more about your autistic experience, in which case this link may help:


    Below is a brilliant video about how to set boundaries by Aucademy:

    Building boundaries:


    I hope this helps!

  • You might find this acronym useful when you feel overwhelmed or emotional and you don’t know why:

    H - hunger 

    A - angry 

    L - lonely 

    T - tired

    That's good, I will try to remember it - thanks for posting! Slight smile

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