What life hacks have you discovered that have helped you with your autism?

from executive dysfunction hacks to social hacks. It's an open-ended question.

    • Noise cancelling headphones
    • Loop earplugs
    • A million lists, notes and spreadsheets on my phone and laptop
    • Silent alarms on my Apple Watch to wake me up in the morning 
    • Lots of reminders on my phone 
    • Fidget toys (therapy putty is my favourite)
    • Pacing during meeting and phone calls
    • Having a cat (he calms me down)
  • That last point is doubleplusgood! 

    When my cat snuggles up next to my leg in a certain way it feels just like I've smoked a bowl of opium, including the inability/sever reluctance to move.

    Being able to get that feeling without the hassle, and not having to worry about physical withdrawal symptoms when you (for example) have to go away for a few days to see a friend is about as god as a "mood modifier" gets. And that's just a tiny bit of what a cat will give you.

  • Several times a day my cat will try to pin me to a chair or bed then have a long snooze on me. He usually initiates this by making biscuits on my lap and purring to me. It’s impossible not to be cheered up and relaxed by it.

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