Diets and picky eating

Okay, so I am plus size and need to lose weight for both my mental and physical health.

The problem is, I have executive control issues which means I often can only have takeout, and when I do make food, it's using a toaster or microwave only as I have issues with the oven.

My diet is incredibly narrow, ravioli, chicken nuggets, chips, Weetabix, plain burgers, margarita pizza, gravy, and only a specific mince pie. I'm trying to lose weight but it's hard when all I can eat is incredibly unhealthy and non-filling. 

People always say, if you only have good stuff in, eventually you'll eat it when you are hungry enough but I don't. I just pass out and sleep all day if I'm put in that situation. 

I'm hoping someone has some experience with this and can help. But I am aware it's a tricky dilemma. 

  • People always say, if you only have good stuff in, eventually you'll eat it when you are hungry enough but I don't. I just pass out and sleep all day if I'm put in that situation. 

    can confirm this is my experence when only food I can't tolerate is avalable.

    My diet is incredibly narrow, ravioli, chicken nuggets, chips, Weetabix, plain burgers, margarita pizza, gravy, and only a specific mince pie.

    Here's the thing. There are 2 seperate bariers to eating food. What is tastes like and what you worry it tastes like. The former is hardwired into our neurology and there is nothing to be done about that. But the later is a learned pattern (in my experence). Let me tell you the day my mum sat on my legs and force fed me chocolate icecream. I was cringing, screaming, till I actually tasted it and realised it tasted nothing like I imagined it did. It smelt nothing like coffee, tea or poop. It's texture was nothing like yogert (which is what I thought by the way it dripped). Once I realised the taste in my mouth was nothing like I'd expected I was fine with it. There are probably lots of other things you could eat if you tried them. But you'll have to accept on the way you'll try a lot of foods you don't like as well. You know we're not going to sugest you try to force yourself to eat stuff that tastes bad. But it's important to try stuff even if you think it would taste bad.

    Why not make a list of food you've never tasted and pick a few to try.

  • I started clean eating about 5 year ago, I didn’t need to lose weight but have always been a little obsessive about how food can affect us all. 
    As a child and teen I was super picky and basically if it didn’t look good made myself believe it wouldn’t taste good. Over time I have tried foods I didn’t like numerous times, I even paired them with different foods. I found that you can change your taste especially if it’s beneficial for your health. 
    I started on the Primal diet and for 2 weeks I felt very low with headaches and upset stomach. After that you then start to feel fantastic, lots of energy and clean inside. I do obsess over things though and this keeps me in check but it has been a very positive change. 

    what’s the worst that can happen by giving it a try. 

    good luck

  • I found that you can change your taste especially if it’s beneficial for your health. 

    As some one who had disaplinarian parents who'd insist on forcing me to 'try' the same foods over an over I can gurentee you this does not work.

  • I found that you can change your taste especially if it’s beneficial for your health. 

    As some one who had disaplinarian parents who'd insist on forcing me to 'try' the same foods over an over I can gurentee you this does not work.

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