Break the Cycle Campaign - more than 6 in 10 people detained in mental health units are autistic

Autistica have launched a campaign to break the cycle of autistic people being unnecessarily detained in mental health units. Many are trapped for years and the traumatic treatment they endure in unsuitable environments means that their mental health actually gets worse not better.

Most shockingly the article states that more than 60% of people detained in mental health units are autistic. The actual proportion could even be higher if services do not pick up on and assess for autism.

Details of the campaign can be found here. They are urging everyone to write to their MP and a proforma letter template is provided.

If you need any more convincing read the heart-breaking story of Jackie, who was sectioned in her 50s following the death of her father. She went through what can only be described as a living hell for several years.

The loss of a parent can be a huge life change for an autistic person and trigger a mental health crisis. Realistically I could see myself in that situation in the not too distant future and that is extremely scary. Autistic people should not be afraid of seeking support for fear of being sectioned. We need to unite to stop this appalling mistreatment of our fellow autists.

  • Realisticly people have been writing letters for a long time. The goverment needs to feel more presure to be pushed to act. I think people need to start talking about orgonised acts of protest. Because we can't expect the goverment to take us seriously if we don't care about this enough to shove a cardboard sign on a stick and march outside their offices on the odd weekend.

    I mean if we aren't at least that comitted why should they take us seriously?

  • And I’m going to point out that the Department of health which is responsible for this is based mostly in London and Leeds. London is a little far for me but I’m more than happy to organise any protests in Leeds if people actually want to come and attend them.

  • And I’m going to point out that the Department of health which is responsible for this is based mostly in London and Leeds. London is a little far for me but I’m more than happy to organise any protests in Leeds if people actually want to come and attend them.
