How to get support as an adult autist?

I ask because in the past I've sought support and the professionals always refer me to mental health, which in the beginning yes I wondered if I was mentally unwell but in that time my traits have never changed and they've given me several medications and it never once actually did anything.

So I think I can now safely say all my problems are autism related and as we all know this can't be treated! 

I wish the doctors would take out more time to read up on autism rather than keep trying to dismiss it and treat it. I've been through almost 4 years of them trying to cure my autism and it's caused a great deal of trauma for me along the way.

I feel like I need some support with my autism but I don't know where to go or who to talk doctors keep referring me to mental health and I don't want to go that route again.

  • My understanding is that we need to adapt our lives to be more manageable. We are on our own. It is up to us. Its scary but that is the impression that i am getting. 

    What makes this difficult is for the late diagnosed, many of us have suffered as a result of the fact that we didnt know that we were autistic and tried to be "like everyoneelse". This then leads to mental health problems. As we get older life gets harder. 

    To know is so important. My brother was told "you dont need fixing". So acceptance must play a big part. 

    I think it is up to us to find the resources to help us and not neccesarily medical help. 

    We do need to be heard. I hope we can raise awareness of the effects of undiagnosed autism, and the lack of support for us to manage.

    Support groups may be a good start, led by us. 

    What can doctors do? Empathy and understanding helps. People who "get it".

    Whatever recourses are available we will still be autistic. 

    Maybe we could all contact the Ombudsman, unindate them with our concerns. Maybe someone would be brave enough to go to the press? 

    What concerns me is how many undiagnosed  unsupported autistic people turn to crime, substance misuse and take their own lives? 

    Things need to change x

  • Yes, I self-medicated with alcohol for 20 years.

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