
Hi everyone,

I stupidly acted on a negative impulse yesterday but have been in touch with Nas and decided to join again which they're fine with but I'll only post in short amounts until I'm feeling better again. I really hate myself sometimes but I'm going to try hard to get better.

This has been my first time here but I just took really naturally to the forum. 

I feel like I belong here it's a lovely feeling.

I loved your photo of the goslings 

They are so cute :) 

Thanks everyone for being so nice I hope I can make it up to you.

Goosey x

  • Negative-Intuition is always strong in autistic-people, owing to our exposure to negativity throughout our lives, but same can be said for our appreciation for genuine good-company, the same can be said for our loyalty to said company.  

    So take your time goosey, we’ve all been there and we all will be here for you, as and when it seems right for you to be online..Nerd

  • That's what I love about being autistic and being here.

    We all understand and though we're all from different walks of life but in a way the same.

    Thank you for your understanding and support.

    It truly means more than you know.

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