Smart Watches for anxiety

Hi there,

I heard that getting a smart watch can be useful for measuring and regulating anxiety levels. Can anyone recommend a good watch for this?

I'd like it to read my heart rate and be able to alert me when it thinks I am getting stressed so I can take action before it gets too bad. It would also be really helpful to be able to see a graph of my heart rate over the day so I can look back and see what my stress triggers were and what helped to reduce my stress. I often find watches irritating to wear so it would have to be super comfortable. I think the Garmin watches are supposed to be comfortable and do the above accurately, but they come in at quite a hefty price. I'm not interested in having GPS and advanced functions to do with fitness training, so I wonder if anyone can recommend a good stress-tracking watch that doesn't involve paying for all these extra functions?

Thanks in advance


  • I’ve heard good things about models from Garmin, especially for their comfort and accuracy. If you’re looking for something simpler, you might check out a few options from Fitbit or even some budget brands. They often have heart rate monitoring and stress alerts without all the extra features you don’t need.

  • I’ve heard good things about models from Garmin, especially for their comfort and accuracy. If you’re looking for something simpler, you might check out a few options from Fitbit or even some budget brands. They often have heart rate monitoring and stress alerts without all the extra features you don’t need.

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