Art: Picking up my pencil again, its been a while..

I thought I’d see if I couldn’t incentivise myself to sketch again, I used to sketch a lot but I was discouraged, I thought I’d start a thread. 
I’ve used art threads before and they have usually seen quite a lot of traffic, so comment if the mood takes you, but better still I’d like to know if anyone else draws as a special interest. No pressure..:)

Parents Reply
  • That's excellent. You should get back to it, but at your own pace, do it when you feel it and keep everything you draw so you can look back and see how you are progressing.

    I love to draw. I'm not the best but I enjoy it and that's what counts.

    This is my old French teacher Mr Brown. He was a great teacher and like to think I got a good likeness of him here.
