

I've started some treatment for my neck/shoulder with a physiotherapist. This has commenced with some acupuncture.

I was prone on the bench that they use with my face in the designed 'hole' in the bench thing, 4 needles were inserted into my trap muscles and the physio left me for about 20'minutes.

The strange thing is, that after about 5 minutes, my mind was clear. For the first time that I can recall, my mind wasn't spinning and I felt truly at peace. It was very strange afterwards when I realised this.

Has anybody else experienced this? I can't wait for the next session!


  • I had acupuncture, following physiotherapy for a repetitive strain induced, rotator cuff injury to my right shoulder, to help with some residual pain. It worked very well. I suspect that there are two major impacts of acupuncture on mental state, first is the enforced total cessation from physical movement, while in a relaxed position: second is the concentration of the mind on the area of the body that has the needles in. I think that these factors could induce a trance-like state.

  • I had acupuncture, following physiotherapy for a repetitive strain induced, rotator cuff injury to my right shoulder, to help with some residual pain. It worked very well. I suspect that there are two major impacts of acupuncture on mental state, first is the enforced total cessation from physical movement, while in a relaxed position: second is the concentration of the mind on the area of the body that has the needles in. I think that these factors could induce a trance-like state.
