

I've started some treatment for my neck/shoulder with a physiotherapist. This has commenced with some acupuncture.

I was prone on the bench that they use with my face in the designed 'hole' in the bench thing, 4 needles were inserted into my trap muscles and the physio left me for about 20'minutes.

The strange thing is, that after about 5 minutes, my mind was clear. For the first time that I can recall, my mind wasn't spinning and I felt truly at peace. It was very strange afterwards when I realised this.

Has anybody else experienced this? I can't wait for the next session!


  • I am sure that acupuncture can help people. Years ago I knew a person training to be an acupuncturist and they convinced me to try as I had suffered from chronic pain for years. To be honest, I didn't believe for a moment that acupuncture could help me, I went to stop this person going on about it every time I saw them. 

    But to my amazement, my pain began to lessen after the first treatment and in two months it was gone, never to return. Acupuncture worked for me where doctors had not.

    Since that time, I have heard and read accounts of many who have found acupuncture works for them for all sorts of things. It's a whole body approach. A former colleague who dances semi-professionally has regular acupuncture to help arthritis in her toes. 

    Acupuncture is a very ancient medical practice, also recommended by many GPs now. It's definitely become more mainstream in the UK over the years. 

  • I am sure that acupuncture can help people. Years ago I knew a person training to be an acupuncturist and they convinced me to try as I had suffered from chronic pain for years. To be honest, I didn't believe for a moment that acupuncture could help me, I went to stop this person going on about it every time I saw them. 

    But to my amazement, my pain began to lessen after the first treatment and in two months it was gone, never to return. Acupuncture worked for me where doctors had not.

    Since that time, I have heard and read accounts of many who have found acupuncture works for them for all sorts of things. It's a whole body approach. A former colleague who dances semi-professionally has regular acupuncture to help arthritis in her toes. 

    Acupuncture is a very ancient medical practice, also recommended by many GPs now. It's definitely become more mainstream in the UK over the years. 

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