Burnout and Tiredness

Hi everyone!

I have a dilemma that I'm struggling to understand and wondered if anyone else could relate or provide any advice.

Every night I always get at least 8 hours of sleep, yet I'm still tired each and every day. I am a high masker and find that this exhausts me. I recently got a blood test, which I am awaiting results, as I wondered if my iron is low. However, the more I think about this the more I worry it is just me and the fact that the world is the one causing me to be tired.

If anyone has watched Chris Packham's 'Inside Our Autistic Minds,' I relate exactly to Ethan's video with the heightened senses of sounds. I'm not sure if it is the environment which causes me to burn out, but either way, it is exhausting. BBC Two - Inside Our Autistic Minds, Ethan's Film

Thanks for reading :)


  • Hey Maddie,

    I dont really have any useful advice im sorry to say. 

    I do know how you feel. My problem is not sleeping though which results to a similar outcome. 

    Have you tried ambient sounds, like waterfalls or forest at night. I find this relaxes me. However if you already get 8 hours a night perhaps that wont help. 

    Fingers crossed it is something easily solved like a lack of iron. 

    Hope you are ok. 


  • Hi!

    Falling asleep definitely isn't the problem, I'm out like a light haha. Thanks a lot though! I do like listening to nature sounds too. :)

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