Overthinking - how to deal with it

Hi everyone have recently been diagnosed with autism, throughout my life I have been told I over think to much. Whether its something as simply writing an email, or like someone or worrying about the future or meeting up with people. Or just over thinking lots of things in detail such as my interests.   I was wondering if anyone had any ways to deal with over thinking? 

  • Like you I am also powerless over my overthinking.   If I fight it it gets stronger so I need to rely on something that’s not my own will power.  You are doing that by looking to other powers such as are available here.  Your searching is the solution in action.

  • Like you I am also powerless over my overthinking.   If I fight it it gets stronger so I need to rely on something that’s not my own will power.  You are doing that by looking to other powers such as are available here.  Your searching is the solution in action.

  • Perhaps that’s why my family in Ireland firmly believe and maintain that I need ultra strict discipline to manage this condition via a live in carer or residential placement in order to (make) me “cop myself on” according to traditional Catholic Social Teaching