Overthinking - how to deal with it

Hi everyone have recently been diagnosed with autism, throughout my life I have been told I over think to much. Whether its something as simply writing an email, or like someone or worrying about the future or meeting up with people. Or just over thinking lots of things in detail such as my interests.   I was wondering if anyone had any ways to deal with over thinking? 

  • Hi Rainbowgirl,

    I find distraction helps. I often choose stimulating situations, as for some reason I feel more peaceful inside when there are lots of things going on around me (I have the ability to tune it all out and the dampening effect works on the noise inside my head too). However, I have also found physical activity to help. I particularly like swimming and cycling, as they can be done alone and I can focus on the mechanics - thereby reducing the intrusive thoughts.

    Good luck in finding what works for you, and welcome to the community Grin

  • Hi Rainbowgirl,

    I find distraction helps. I often choose stimulating situations, as for some reason I feel more peaceful inside when there are lots of things going on around me (I have the ability to tune it all out and the dampening effect works on the noise inside my head too). However, I have also found physical activity to help. I particularly like swimming and cycling, as they can be done alone and I can focus on the mechanics - thereby reducing the intrusive thoughts.

    Good luck in finding what works for you, and welcome to the community Grin

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