Relocation is not a fresh start

Do you know what I hate? This notion that by moving to a new area you can some how have a fresh start in life. Maybe it works that way for NTs but not for me. Maybe they think ‘oh I’ll  just fall back on those old skills I had and soon my new friends and get a new job and I can have a second crack at building my life.’

Except I don’t have those skills. I don’t know about you but it took me time to build connections. Sometimes I did it begrudgingly sometimes supper enthusiastically… far more so than the other party who maybe already had lots of good friends. But it took a lot of time. New jobs have never come easily to me. Searching for homes has always been hard (in no small part because I’m put off by house sharing).

for me relocating is sliding down the snake to square 1 in a game of snakes and ladders. Only my bored seems to have twice the snakes and half the ladders as everyone else’s.

yet here I am. By New Years I’ll be unemployed and the only job on the horizon is 200 miles away. If I even get an interview. I’m too tired to keep doing this.

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