Anyone else ‘successfully’ holding down a job? Is it also torture?

I went from freelance to full time permanent employment at age 47.

Mortgage must be paid.

Thus not feeling free = prisoner of this circumstance, being told what to do.

What’s the point of living just to pay a mortgage, hating the workplace j hating my life hoping for a distant free future?

Or is my negativity just typical of Autism spectrum disorder?

I got diagnosed in 2018.

  • While not an out right solution it seems as though you could expand your life beyond than just your career and paying bills if that's how you only see your life right now. Don't let it dominate your mind set, create goals and routines beyond your work life as well.  

  • While not an out right solution it seems as though you could expand your life beyond than just your career and paying bills if that's how you only see your life right now. Don't let it dominate your mind set, create goals and routines beyond your work life as well.  

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