Anyone else ‘successfully’ holding down a job? Is it also torture?

I went from freelance to full time permanent employment at age 47.

Mortgage must be paid.

Thus not feeling free = prisoner of this circumstance, being told what to do.

What’s the point of living just to pay a mortgage, hating the workplace j hating my life hoping for a distant free future?

Or is my negativity just typical of Autism spectrum disorder?

I got diagnosed in 2018.

  • I have been there in the past, in a job I hated with every day like torture. I can relate to that feeling of being trapped. Unwisely I kept going because I thought I had no other choice. It resulted in a massive burnout / breakdown, from which I never fully recovered.

    Do you have a plan for when you hope to retire? Making future plans for a better life can sometimes make the present more bearable.

    How distant is your free future? Could you bring it forward by paying extra on the mortgage each month? I used to go into the bank the day before payday each month and whatever was left in my current account I transferred to my mortgage account. I managed to shave years off my mortgage by doing that.

    Would giving up work and moving to a cheaper area be possible?

    Could you go freelance again, to at least be more in control and less of a wage slave?

  • I have been there in the past, in a job I hated with every day like torture. I can relate to that feeling of being trapped. Unwisely I kept going because I thought I had no other choice. It resulted in a massive burnout / breakdown, from which I never fully recovered.

    Do you have a plan for when you hope to retire? Making future plans for a better life can sometimes make the present more bearable.

    How distant is your free future? Could you bring it forward by paying extra on the mortgage each month? I used to go into the bank the day before payday each month and whatever was left in my current account I transferred to my mortgage account. I managed to shave years off my mortgage by doing that.

    Would giving up work and moving to a cheaper area be possible?

    Could you go freelance again, to at least be more in control and less of a wage slave?

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