
I have already posted about my son, who has suffered at the hands of pyschotropic medications and as one

of you said its going to take for my son to gain himself back.

I suppose what I would like to know is when the Mental Health team spotted which was not Psychotic but Autistic

what things would have stood out to them that might have looked strange hence my son ended up in a Childrens

mental health hospital on the very drug that a GP prescribed for him for anxiety , Olanzapine, and after 3 days of

taking it he said to me "mum I can't take this anymore, irs making me lose my memory" now for him to state this

it must have been a real confusion going on with the drug, it wasn't simply , "I can't remember what you said just now" or

I can't remember what I ate for dinner last night"

My names Julie if any of you remember me from the other day, and I still dont know how this forum works??? :)

Everything technical I fumble through. Thanks for reading

  • There is this inability to understand what one has not been exposed to or cannot perceive. 

    This is why MOST professionals who are not Autistic, ADHD or 'on the spectrum' (if you prefer) cannot possibly understand internally how we experience consciousness.

    I am beyond irritated that Autistics are not being given even a micro-dose of anti-anxiety medication! Instead, Beta Blockers or Anti-Psychotics, which are USELESS. The issue is with GABA, not the occipital lobe or other regions in the brain we use to process, reason and relate with the world around us (which is what anti-psychotics will prohibit access to).

    Please give everyone you are dealing with (nurses, assistants, doctors, etc.) a physically printed copy of this paper: (it will download).

    Autistics do not Filter incoming signals. They feel everything-all-at-once, which can slow down our ability to make sense of or understand the world which then slows down our ability to TRANSLATE what we're experiencing with forms of verbal communication. 

  • Yes, thats very interesting, both my sons are Autistic and i really get that how everything is coming to them at once. When i ask my eldest to do anything. I also get that inability to translate what they are feeling. It either comes out in a big panic, or suffer in silence, once my eldest had chicken pox and couldn't say he was feeling ill, he just kind of slumped, i will look up that link up you sent. Thanks

  • Yes, thats very interesting, both my sons are Autistic and i really get that how everything is coming to them at once. When i ask my eldest to do anything. I also get that inability to translate what they are feeling. It either comes out in a big panic, or suffer in silence, once my eldest had chicken pox and couldn't say he was feeling ill, he just kind of slumped, i will look up that link up you sent. Thanks

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