
I have already posted about my son, who has suffered at the hands of pyschotropic medications and as one

of you said its going to take for my son to gain himself back.

I suppose what I would like to know is when the Mental Health team spotted which was not Psychotic but Autistic

what things would have stood out to them that might have looked strange hence my son ended up in a Childrens

mental health hospital on the very drug that a GP prescribed for him for anxiety , Olanzapine, and after 3 days of

taking it he said to me "mum I can't take this anymore, irs making me lose my memory" now for him to state this

it must have been a real confusion going on with the drug, it wasn't simply , "I can't remember what you said just now" or

I can't remember what I ate for dinner last night"

My names Julie if any of you remember me from the other day, and I still dont know how this forum works??? :)

Everything technical I fumble through. Thanks for reading

  • Heightened anxiety can appear similar to paranoia, this might have been at the root of the misdiagnosis. About 90% of autistics report problems with anxiety. If your son was very anxious about being in a hospital and around clinicians, this could have led them to believe that he was suffering from an 'unreasonable level of distrust' of them, i.e. paranoia.

    I have suffered from a psychotropic drug, sertraline, which gave me horrible migraines.

  • Heightened anxiety can appear similar to paranoia, this might have been at the root of the misdiagnosis. About 90% of autistics report problems with anxiety. If your son was very anxious about being in a hospital and around clinicians, this could have led them to believe that he was suffering from an 'unreasonable level of distrust' of them, i.e. paranoia.

    I have suffered from a psychotropic drug, sertraline, which gave me horrible migraines.

  • yes, definitely anxiety relating to OCD too can appear like parnonia, my son was also sleep deprived when he was assessed by crisis team in 2010.I don't know what they thought they coud see? Actually paranoia moments started when quite young, anxiety, noticed at about 8 years old. My son suffered cocktail of drugs from 2010, to just recently and now all drugs he is hypersensitive to even things like camomile tea, which caused him confusion, his brain receptors are very very fragile. Its now going to be a long slog, understanding patience and family support