BBC Panorama undercover investigation at mental health hospital

Did anyone see this programme on TV a few days ago? I was so shocked by what was exposed and find I am still thinking about it.

The programme featured the story of a young autistic woman who was mistreated in an appalling way. The way she was treated understandably triggered meltdowns, which resulted in her being locked in a seclusion room for weeks at a time. Her possessions were taken away as a form of punishment.

The attitude of the staff was so cruel and demonstrated their complete lack of understanding of autism. One nurse even said that she should be put in prison, despite having not committed any crime, and that it would "take her down a peg or two" Open mouth

It is more than 10 years since the Winterbourne scandal, yet little seems to have changed. Vulnerable autistic people are still being mistreated and abused. I don't know how anyone could treat another human being in such a horrific way. I suspect there will be many more similar instances that are never discovered. 

This all happened in a NHS hospital, where the patients should be receiving care and help to recover. Sadly there wasn't much in the way of any help apparent from the programme.

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