I am really concerned about hatred these days, particularly the "manufactured" kind.

It is massively destructive, and every day there seems to be more of it.

What brings me to write this, is that today I reviewed the profile of someone who engaged in active hatred against me. I noted to my horror that both this person and at least one other person who they dragged into the controversy appear to no longer post on this site..

This is the result of ONE poster giving in to feeling and expressing hatred.

As it happened, although I triggered the hatred through clumsy use of language around a controversial subject, the overt hatred expressed by the poster was not tolerated well here, and there was a bit of an "I am Spartacus" moment where a number of people stood up (virtually!) and refuted the hatred, and indeed tried to explain my position better than I had to the person. I am very grateful to those people indeed, it was a rare event in my life.

But I'm not happy about the outcome. Several people got cut off form this sometimes dead useful resource because of hatred, and what's worse, manufactured hatred. (More on that later, if I finish this).

Another example of destructive (and manufactured) hatred is of course the situation in Ukraine.. Now I am quite concerned about this one (for very disturbing reasons I prefer not to share) and I've been busily collecting information like only a 'sperg can... I've noticed just the same as with covid-19, that if I just go to You tube, facebook twitter or watch the T.V. I get a unified and plausible story, which is then also reflected in the opinions of most of the people I know.

However, I was already aware since 2011or thereabouts that there is another and very different story being told elsewhere. (Now I'll confess straight way, that I have learned to distrust the manistream narrative since we were told that chernobyl radiation was in welsh sheep. I KNOW the truth of the matter and it's very different to what you were told. but that's a disturbing side issue, which I only mention because it's what set me off on the path of "questioning the narrative" and looking for other sources of information). 

This is important, because the hatred most of you feel for the Russians or Ukrainians (depending on what you read) is based entirely on what you've been told. Because both stories are so very different it is LOGICAL TO CONCLUDE that one narrative is false and one is true.

The hatred on at least one side of the argument is based on lies, or at best malicious misunderstanding. 

THIS is what I mean by "manufactured hatred". To lie on a big enough scale to trigger a war, means that an awful lot of people on one side of any given argument accepted the lie as truth. Are they evil? Are they stupid fools? Let's use logic and observation for a moment.  Look at how people are. Most of them are busy with their own lives. Not many of you have hours and hours to philosophise and analyse the world, and world events, because to be honest, (and I want to think like this too!) some war in a foreign land is less of an immediate threat to their well being than that co-worker who is scheming against them, or the unanticipated rise in the cost of living, or their autism, and many, many far more urgent and pressing issues. That's just life. 

So where do they get their information about the world? Well, it used to be the Newspaper and the TV and the Radio. All of which are projecting the same information. So as Goebels proved so comprehensively, if you use those media to paint anyone you want to go to war on as an evil oppressor "who is coming for you next" (after he has finished with Ukraine!) the population will fall in line. And they do, every single time!! 

Last Christmas they were talking about rounding up people who declined the Mrna Jabs and putting them in camps. A "pandemic of the unvaccinated" they called it. "Manufactured hatred" was what it was. The unvaccinated were't spreading Covid, We were all to busy "keeping low" and finding out what medicines actually worked against this manufactured Virus. Since a lot of us lost our jobs we were't the ones going out partying and spreading the virus it was those who believed the initial propaganda about how the "vaccine"gave protection against acquiring or transmitting the virus, claims that were downgraded steadily. The manufactured hatred against the unvaccinated was completely and utterly founded on disinformation propagated entirely and universally by the mainstream media. And everyone thinks they can't be mass manipulated into hatred and the few that can see that reality then say "but they would never do it" in spite of the evidence staring them in the face!!.

And so people hated the unvaccinated for a while, then they hated the Russians and when the Chinese (as it looks like they are fixing to do) invade Taiwan, then you will probably  be manipulated into hating them.

There are alternatives to natural gas, (such as getting a logburner with back boiler plumbed in to your C/H and instead of throwing those amazon boxes away, you can make a super cardboard mache fuel out of them, like I did. Well I made the fuel, but my partner who is the breadwinner doesn't see the need for me to add the log burner, so I guess I'll sell, or give away, what I've made so far...) but quite how well we will do without Chinese manufactured goods I do not know...

The antithesis to all this hatred is love, of course. But how do you love those who espouse hatred, or worse are actively weilding it against you? 

I would suggest that a good start is to next time you feel hatred for a group of people, you realise that their (clearly misguided) hatefulness is based on what they know (or think they know) AS IS YOUR OWN HATRED. They are people just like you. They don't want to be hated any more than you do!  

And I have to ask the question (since no one else will) Is it fair or reasonable to hate someone simply for only being exposed to a limited set of information from which they have formed their hateful opinions, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY TO LOOK INTO THINGS DEEPER?

As Autists, we are particularly likely to encounter random personal hatred directed at us for our neurodivergence.

We know how destructive it is.

So why do so many of us descend into it?      


  • You have raised a truly amorphous topic area here.

    I haven’t got time for this, but can’t help myself grabbing for the soap box….


    In response, I must be reductive and I’ll try to be as apolitical as possible.

    Please note that I will refer to “people” in the broadest sense here – ie the zeitgeist.


    People of the developed world are more comfortable than ever before and therefore have little reason to question how they got here or even whether this is where they want to be.


    These people are expertly manipulated by a handful of interests. This has been made possible because those same people have not realised (or cared) that they are now being monitored and analysed to the nth degree and their actions plotted.

    People are happy to consume the ideas and materials alluringly presented to them. They have no cause not to because they are comfortable.


    So, what of the people (little green shoots of difference) who don’t ascribe to the zeitgeist I hear you cry…..well….they are expertly directed into various echo chambers or directed to pharmaceutical or social black holes. In these dark, Godforsaken places, inbreeding of the population occurs, yes, Triffids.


    Triffids are hateful.

    The handful of interests are manipulative and hate isn’t unhelpful to them.


    What of the internet?

    Lets not allow ourselves to be the data fodder for these beasts.


    Here endeth I.

  • You have raised a truly amorphous topic area here.

    I haven’t got time for this, but can’t help myself grabbing for the soap box….


    In response, I must be reductive and I’ll try to be as apolitical as possible.

    Please note that I will refer to “people” in the broadest sense here – ie the zeitgeist.


    People of the developed world are more comfortable than ever before and therefore have little reason to question how they got here or even whether this is where they want to be.


    These people are expertly manipulated by a handful of interests. This has been made possible because those same people have not realised (or cared) that they are now being monitored and analysed to the nth degree and their actions plotted.

    People are happy to consume the ideas and materials alluringly presented to them. They have no cause not to because they are comfortable.


    So, what of the people (little green shoots of difference) who don’t ascribe to the zeitgeist I hear you cry…..well….they are expertly directed into various echo chambers or directed to pharmaceutical or social black holes. In these dark, Godforsaken places, inbreeding of the population occurs, yes, Triffids.


    Triffids are hateful.

    The handful of interests are manipulative and hate isn’t unhelpful to them.


    What of the internet?

    Lets not allow ourselves to be the data fodder for these beasts.


    Here endeth I.
