My history of Fregoli related phenomena

I used to have Fregoli delusion in the past, but I was still self-aware that it was a fixed false belief. How is if possible that I hallucinated that everyone is the same person, but was aware that it is false?

  • During childhood and early adolescent, I misidentified people as being the same person in disguise, due to Autism Spectrum disorder, because people's and animal's faces looked the same to me until I got older, I was self-aware that it's in my head?

    Can that technically be Fregoli Syndrome, due to Autism Spectrum Disorder?

  • No, no! It was related to communication delay 

  • The logical answer is that before you had this delusion your brain didn't believe in the way, but at some point formed this new belief along side - so your brain is then dealing with both beliefs.  Contradictions and hypocrisies form in humans minds and aren't automatically resolved - your brain is constantly making sense of reality based on your beliefs as well as information coming in from senses, and clashing beliefs do cause issues to people (and people they interact with) unless they become aware of false beliefs and decide not to believe them any more..

  • maybe you had a whim to imagine it, to humour doctors, and you forgot that bit