How many of you suffer with OCD? I know I've posted about this before, but I thought I'd do it again as I've been suffering greatly with it as of late. My symptoms are varied, you have the pretty standard ones, like washing your hands every fifteen minutes in case you didn't do so properly the previous time, but also, and I'd be interested to know if anyone else has this, ruminations on events that happened at least five years ago. You can't look at something without somehow being reminded of an event you regret. 

Thankfully, CBT therapy has been arranged and I'll be having it in at least September, but until then, I have to suffer with those three letters that, if you've never heard of them, you're clearly living a better life - OCD. I know this isn't the happiest of posts, but you can't expect me or indeed anyone to be happy all the time. Everyone, including people like Mr. Jolly from Playdays (remember him?) has to feel any emotion other than happiness at least once in their life. 

But please do tell me your interactions with it if you have it and/or know someone else who does. My dad and his surviving niece also have it, but my surviving niece took CBT which, as I've heard, is life changing. Looking forward to having it! 

  • I don’t have OCD, but I do love to organize things. My mother may have OCD because she cleans every day. My dad may have OCD because he loves to organize the trash which I find amusing. Have you ever heard of the term Knolling? It’s an organization technique people use. It was created by a Janitor in 1987. It’s pretty interesting. I think you might like the concept. I remember walking around at my local staples and organizing the duck tape that was not organized. It drove me up a wall and I had to fix it. Maybe it’s just living with parents that have OCD that makes me like this. 

  • I've never heard of that term, no. I'm not interested in the intricacies of OCD enough to know those details, mainly because I can't fucking stand OCD. Thankfully, they've arranged CBT, as it says in the post. 

    As for organising things, it's pretty normal to want to make things look presentable, particularly when someone else you enjoy will be seeing them, but checking again and again is one of the common symptoms of OCD.

  • I've never heard of that term, no. I'm not interested in the intricacies of OCD enough to know those details, mainly because I can't fucking stand OCD. Thankfully, they've arranged CBT, as it says in the post. 

    As for organising things, it's pretty normal to want to make things look presentable, particularly when someone else you enjoy will be seeing them, but checking again and again is one of the common symptoms of OCD.

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