
My anxiety is getting worse I feel like I'm at breaking point. I'm always terrified. I'm always fearing the worst. I feel the urge to wash my hands all the time, I wake up in the middle of the night and wash them. They are very very red and painful now and burn a lot. I've taken to wearing gloves because the coolness of the air burns them. They tremble as well, I think that's the anxiety. They always used to tremble every now and then but now it's all the time.

I feel sick a lot, no appetite and I get moments where I feel faint. I have a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder I know it's that but it adds to the anxious feelings. My thoughts are always anxious and I don't leave the house not unless it's to go in the garden for some air. 

And now today, worst yet my hair has gone white. I'm so sad right now. I'm only 26 and my hair is white. I've always been pale that I could cope with but now my hair is white. It looks horrible.

I thought of calling my doctor but I haven't been out since the first wave of covid and I don't feel ready to go out now. I don't know what to do.

Lorna x

  • I am sorry things are so difficult right now.

    You mention contacting your doctor, but don't feel ready to go out. A lot of surgeries offer phone consultations as an alternative. Could you ask if that is possible because you are not confident in going out?

    You also say your hands are very sore. I get sore hands from washing them a lot. During lockdowns I tried different soaps as some were not available. I have now found some are less likely to make my hands chapped. Some of the anti bacterial ones are worse, so if I use some I add it to a gentler one. Also I use a well known hand cream beginning with N in a white tube. I always put some on before I go to sleep as it has a bit longer before I wash my hands.

  • I am sorry things are so difficult right now.

    You mention contacting your doctor, but don't feel ready to go out. A lot of surgeries offer phone consultations as an alternative. Could you ask if that is possible because you are not confident in going out?

    You also say your hands are very sore. I get sore hands from washing them a lot. During lockdowns I tried different soaps as some were not available. I have now found some are less likely to make my hands chapped. Some of the anti bacterial ones are worse, so if I use some I add it to a gentler one. Also I use a well known hand cream beginning with N in a white tube. I always put some on before I go to sleep as it has a bit longer before I wash my hands.

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