Depression and Dr's

Hi, I just joined. I'm hoping to get some advice and guidance with my situation. I have autism, I was diagnosed nearly two years ago now. My family took it ok. Dad doesn't really believe it, I feel he feels I'm just lazy and don't try hard enough. Mum is supportive and so is my brothers but mum doesn't trust me, she keeps searching my room and tonight she read my diary where I wrote about my self harming and feeling like I want to die sometimes and now she's told me tomorrow she's calling the Dr. I've tried telling her I'm fine, not to worry because the harming is only minor which it is and my suicidal thoughts are just thoughts. But she isn't listening to me! 

I really don't want to see a Dr again. I have severe medical phobias and even talk of a Dr let alone seeing and talking to one makes my chest tight and I feel sick. If I have to see one I'll end up having a meltdown and then burn out after. I've been there before and I really don't want that to happen again.

How can I help convince my mum? I tried talking to dad but he said best listen to mum. It's not fair. They can't possibly understand what all this does to me. It causes anxiety and triggers my autism in to overload. I'm annoyed that mum went in to my room and read my diary, I don't invade her private space.

  • Hi, and welcome. I'm just going to say what I think. It's good that your Mum is supportive, and a shame that your Dad seems to struggle to accept it a bit more. I understand that this feels like an invasion of your personal space (it is!), but your Mum is doing this because she is worried that you are not safe. If one of my children were harming themselves (even minor), and was writing about suicidal thoughts (even if you have no intention of acting on them), I would want to do everything they can to make sure they were safe. It really sounds like you need support, from one place or another. You shouldn't have to put up with feeling that way. You're worth more than that. My advice would be to speak to your Mum, both try and really listen to each other, to try and help build understanding, and come up with a plan so that you can get the support you deserve, in a way which minimises your phobias. Above all, stay safe.

  • Aww thanks so much. This is awesome.. I'll have a look and see if there's anything that might be good for the family Slight smile

  • Hi, Rosie. I'm 25 but my family treats me more like I'm 5 years old if I say no they just act on my behalf anyway. I literally have no say in anything it's so unfair. I thought of a therapist who specialises in autism as well but my medical phobia is too bad I'd never cope.

    I decided to go out for a long walk today so for now I've escaped seeing a Dr.

    Thanks for your reply I appreciate it.


    he makes videos tutorials for all neurotypes, find something for your family and yourself, all communication problems begin with Double Empathy

  • How old are you? Is it an option to just say no I don’t want to go! Otherwise, perhaps if you speak to the doctor this time, you can ask to be referred to a therapist which is usually a lot less clinical and medical. I also suggest asking to see a therapist who specialises in or at least understands autism. If you’re like me and freeze up in front of doctors, write it down before the appointment and show it to him/her. I hope this helps- I’m sorry you’re feeling so down Disappointed