I need to go for a medical examination. Major Anxiety!

Good evening,

I'm looking for advice on how to survive a visit to the doctor. I don't like to be touched and have real problems when it comes to verbalising my needs and fears when talking to people, especially doctors whom I try and avoid as much as possible. My old GP has left the practice (not that I went and saw her much) and now I am faced with meeting a new doctor. I have severe anxiety and my mental health is not great at the moment.

I always find it difficult to verbalise, articulate and express my wishes when it comes to appointments such as these. I'm unable to make phone calls and so a few weeks ago I wrote a letter to my GP (my old one). I wrote to her about 6 months ago detailing what the problem was (she was very understanding, knowing my dislike of touch and prescribed me what she could on the information I had detailed). Fast forward and my problem has worsened, so a couple of weeks ago I wrote to her again saying this and that I felt I had no option but to be seen.

Today I received a text from the medical centre with an appointment. I know nothing about the new doctor and I'm not sure if she will understand how I communicate and what a massive deal this is for me, and I mean massive! I thought I would write a brief list of my concerns about the examination and how I need information explained to me. Does that sound reasonable? I fear greatly that she will not be nice and open to my needs.

Just going out is a major problem at the moment. I had to attend a psychiatrist appointment about a month ago and my anxiety was immense, I did get through it (and psychiatrist are used to anxious people) but when I came out I think I went into shock. I just stood outside shaking for about 30 minutes and then when I finally got home just went into shutdown. I haven't the words for how bad my anxiety is.

This post doesn't really express all my fears but even here on the forum I can't articulate everything that is going on inside my head. It's a week and a half away and as every day passes I know that my anxiety will heighten. What if I burn out before then and just can't even keep the appointment?

Any advice would be really welcomed.


  • I just wanted to say I can empathise. I don’t want to make this about me, but in a nut shell,  I’ve had 2 in person GP appointments, a blood test appointment, and 2 hospital appointments this fortnight, including 2 hour long important telephone appointments and it’s been hellish. I can’t even put into words how I feel.

    I would suggest you write down what you need to say, if that’s how you will be able to articulate yourself best. I don’t think the new Dr will mind.
    You should try and burn some of that nervous energy, as the build up is going to be huge and you don’t want it to tip into a meltdown or shutdown.. Try and distract yourself. Use some calming techniques or exercise, and practice relaxing your body at regular intervals.

  • Thank you . My cat has just come in and sat by me purring which he always does when he knows I'm stressed and he's always also a really good indicator in showing me that I am close to shutdown. I will try some body relaxation over the coming period. Sorry I can't quite respond properly now. Off to my dark room with my cat.

  • Thank you . My cat has just come in and sat by me purring which he always does when he knows I'm stressed and he's always also a really good indicator in showing me that I am close to shutdown. I will try some body relaxation over the coming period. Sorry I can't quite respond properly now. Off to my dark room with my cat.

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