Oh boy; mental health services...

... just reading through a SARS release of my MH records.. 

Anyone else done this? 

The degree to which they have failed to understand or recognise an Aspie, when she is right in front of them is staggering in 2019,. I have to forgive the ignorance regardless  But in the absence of understanding the readiness to blame and misdiagnosed me and then hide that from me, is really quite unforgivable. 

So much hidden under guise of "therapeutic privelege" . Dear God! No wonder that never went well!

I can never trust them again. But, I will fight for something better for others.

  • Goverment ***'s right  and I read through a bit of mine when I got the paper work back with my Autistic assessment said I was like 85% out of a 100 ASD mild depression but high levels of anxiety or something high IQ at above and beyond 110. And something ellse haven't looked it in a while though as my my mum keeps all my medical records.

  • You can write direct to the data protection officer for mental health services and ask for a copy of all your records.  It might bring up a few angry feeling but it will allow you to see inside their heads and grasp just what they don't get and misinterpreting. You might ultimately find that empowering in your dealings with them as you them be able to talk direct to the errors in their thinking.

  • Trust me I know they don't get much it's partly why I don't bother. Don't get me wrong I have my records and was lucky enough to get them but even I thought they clueless. For example they said has an IQ of above 120 with out even running an IQ test like how does one even get a result if you don't test it accurately. When I talk to a councillor of a therapist I feel like I'm talking to a gold fish with a blanker exspresion on its face then there is on my blank expressionless autistic face. 

  • Trust me I know they don't get much it's partly why I don't bother. Don't get me wrong I have my records and was lucky enough to get them but even I thought they clueless. For example they said has an IQ of above 120 with out even running an IQ test like how does one even get a result if you don't test it accurately. When I talk to a councillor of a therapist I feel like I'm talking to a gold fish with a blanker exspresion on its face then there is on my blank expressionless autistic face. 

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