Oh boy; mental health services...

... just reading through a SARS release of my MH records.. 

Anyone else done this? 

The degree to which they have failed to understand or recognise an Aspie, when she is right in front of them is staggering in 2019,. I have to forgive the ignorance regardless  But in the absence of understanding the readiness to blame and misdiagnosed me and then hide that from me, is really quite unforgivable. 

So much hidden under guise of "therapeutic privelege" . Dear God! No wonder that never went well!

I can never trust them again. But, I will fight for something better for others.

  • Why do you think most of us don't bother with a mental health team anymore and just let our brains rot till we go mad cause the mental health so called professionals working the NHs are Idiots. There's no such thing as help after an autism assessment cause the doctors are more clueless than us. But yeah that sucks if you know you are you don't need a peace paper to prove it we accept as you as autistic 

  • Why do you think most of us don't bother with a mental health team anymore and just let our brains rot till we go mad cause the mental health so called professionals working the NHs are Idiots. There's no such thing as help after an autism assessment cause the doctors are more clueless than us. But yeah that sucks if you know you are you don't need a peace paper to prove it we accept as you as autistic 

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