(trigger warnings) Accessing Mental Health support

  1. What is the best way for someone with ASD, to access trainlned mental health services. 
  2. How do I access MH services with out possibleilty of being section (once your sectioned you can't fight it).

I ask becouse I think my mental is getting worse. 

  • You can appeal being sectioned after it has happened. 


  • Sorry, it was more like I insisted I was leaving - not just asking to leave.

  • I don't know your situation but In my experience, people avoid sectioning you if you are prepared to go to hospital as a voluntary patient - I only got sectioned after I asked to leave.

  • Oh Goodness!  I feel for you, but I've never found MH Service much use.  Too quick to judge.  But don't let put you off.  I've heard of people in other areas who got a good service.  Might just be where I live.

    Personally, I would ask that they make sure that whoever deals with you has a good understanding of ASD.  I've been reading a few academic papers on how approaches SHOULD be modified - and they're all making perfect sense to me.  It could be the difference between getting the RIGHT care or not.

  • You can ask your GP to refer you to your local community mental health team. There is also mental health social workers, you can try ask the council to access their support. If you were to ever find yourself sectioned you are legally allowed to ask for an advocate that can help you understand what’s happening and they can talk for you. If you ever feel like your in a crisis then that is what the crisis team is there for to contact. 

  • 1. See your GP and perhaps bring along a piece of paper to prompt you as you talk to them, which outlines your difficulties

    2. I've been sectioned once, for six days, so I speak from experience here. It's VERY, VERY, VERY hard to get sectioned. People, i.e., attempt suicide multiple times and don't even even get sectioned. It's unlikely you'll get sectioned - the NHS is underfunded and there's a scarcity of beds.

  • Personally i have never been sectioned but their have been times in the past where i have been close to being sectioned. The UK government made changes in the law to prevent autistic individuals from wrongfully ending up being sectioned which honestly has resulted in mental health trusts around the UK being scared to section anyone with autism spectrum disorder. 

    Depending on your age and location it varies. but typically those under the age of twenty five are only able to access mental health treatment through Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services which is challenge in itself. Typically, depending on your area you live you can only be referred to mental health treatment through your doctor however you may be able to self refere. 

    If you are over twenty five you'll get referred to adult mental health services instead of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

    Mental health services are not typically equipped to help. support and treat individuals with neurodevelopmental disorder despite them being in charge of diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorder & Learning disabilities.

    Honestly the best thing you can do if you are not coping is contact your local authority for a needs assessment. typically a social worker will come to your home and assess for any needs. The needs assessment in your situation will typically result with in you being allocated a support worker or social worker who main aim is oversee,support, arrange and signpost you to organisations that can help you. 

    In some situations they will refer you to mental health services and with a social worker/support worker you are more likely to be treated by a professional who understand autism as well as have your social worker/support worker on your side to support you if the mental health professional is dismissing your additional needs.

    In some situation the needs assessment may result in the social worker/support worker getting intouch with other organisation of which some are apart of the local authority to help you with benefits, housing, employment and education

    Another benefit of the outcome to a needs assessment is additional support to find events and other social gatherings with other autistic people who are similar to you. 


  • Hi there. I wonder if the Autism Advise Line would be able to help you? I have been sectioned myself so I understand where you are coming from. Do you have a Crisis Plan? Do you have a Advanced Decision document? I have just self-referred to iAPT to get some help. But if things are in Crisis you need to get some help now.

    Sorry for the delay in answering, only just seen your post.