New person

Hello, I am 21 and waiting for my autism assessment (went GP with family member to ask for a referral), I had strong problems since childhood but it was always put to bad behaviour etc. So I got used to thinking I'm just difficult and a burden, but recently someone mentioned something that made me look up autism, and I realised how much it all relates to me (basically everything), and was shocked that no one around me noticed or thought I could get help,  as opposed to constantly saying try harder, stop being like that etc. 

So whilst I wait to be able to speak to a professional (none of my teachers know how to deal with my autism, and friends/colleagues don't know what it is for me to mention it),  I thought I'd make an account here, it's nice to read the posts,  but I don't really know how to use the site that much lol, how do I change my profile? Where is my profile?  

Also, does anyone know where I can get free information packs to give out to people?  I was sure there was a form to fill out on this site, but I can't find it now... If not then maybe something similar, when I try to speak about my difficulties, I get treated like I'm just lying (how does that even work), so would love to have something to just give out that's a bit more detailed than the little cards sold by NAS. 

Anyway hello to everyone, apologies for starting a new topic thing if I wasn't supposed to. Is anyone else from an Asian family that think mental disabilities don't exist lol XD

  • Whoops, so sorry, I found my profile, didn't realise this site is different from the normal NAS site. Also not 21 yet, still have a month to go. Ermm more info on me is that I'm a very nervous person who worries a lot, still need to learn how to like myself cause I thought I just do things "wrong" and cause conflicts... I have about two friends that know I struggle due to autism, and my mum came with me to the GP but she's never heard of it before, and doesn't really get it (so even when I say please tell me things in advance so I can be prepared for it, she still forgets and doesn't realize how much it affects me)...and I'm just scared to bring it up to anyone else in case they say I'm making excuses for my behaviour etc. , cause I don't have an official diagnosis yet (Like my older sister never got why I can't speak on the phone properly, or go new places by myself, or greet her when she pops over randomly - that is so uncomfortable) 

  • Whoops, so sorry, I found my profile, didn't realise this site is different from the normal NAS site. Also not 21 yet, still have a month to go. Ermm more info on me is that I'm a very nervous person who worries a lot, still need to learn how to like myself cause I thought I just do things "wrong" and cause conflicts... I have about two friends that know I struggle due to autism, and my mum came with me to the GP but she's never heard of it before, and doesn't really get it (so even when I say please tell me things in advance so I can be prepared for it, she still forgets and doesn't realize how much it affects me)...and I'm just scared to bring it up to anyone else in case they say I'm making excuses for my behaviour etc. , cause I don't have an official diagnosis yet (Like my older sister never got why I can't speak on the phone properly, or go new places by myself, or greet her when she pops over randomly - that is so uncomfortable) 

  • Hello Fay Fay you are very welcome here,we are a varied crew, you will find one extreme to another with regards posts,desperate cries for help and some of us desperate to try and be happy, So if you see a post that appears pretty random then that's the place for silly stuff. Nobody will judge or condemn,we all kind of get each other,oh yes we miss interpreting each other but usually get by.

    As for anyone else from an Asian family? Well I am from another planet it seems but it has no bearing on here as to where we are from,(your writing doesn't look Asian?) See that was supposed to reassure you that it doesn't matter who or where your from. Can you guess where I am from? No chance ha ha.

    I think you might get a positive for ASD or aspergers but these things can take a very long time. 

    I am known for rambling on but I mean well.welcome aboard the ship to autopia.

  • Welcome to the nas website.  You sound like a person who will fit in well here.

    I knew nothing about autism until the mental health case workers suggested it after my last suicide attempt.  They suspected aspergers syndrome.  I thought "rubbish" I don't shout obscenities at people in the street.  I got it mixed up with tourettes syndrome.