Why are females misdiagnosed and under diagnosed?

Hi i'm a big sister of someone on the spectrum and was wondering why girls and women are misdiagnosed and under diagnosed! what are peoples thoughts about it?

 Slight smile

  • Misfit, you are this forums star information and link finder, you are brilliant at it, and humane sensible advice. Maybe it could be your role in life somehow in the future? ()x

  • Hello Spotty. Thank you that's thoughtful of you to say so. As you can imagine I don't see myself in that light. I have absolutely no idea where my future lies. I keep wondering about setting up some sort of support group for the differently wired locally but not ready to do that yet Certainly desperately needed. I try to give a balanced view when answer queries much more emotional in my own. How are you today? ()x 

  • Yes I would need support to set it up but is info online I think. I think one of my interests must be searching information . I like looking things up. I know that feeling nothing or very little gets done because go into freeze mode til the anxiety making task is done. Have you got a strategy yet.. ask before you start what is required.. never as simple as that if she's not there. Think we need another new one we need about 2x per week.  No appointments available for cab til 24th. I'm trying to sort stuff , clear up getting ready for my guinea pig to come home. And I found some shillings and pence saving stamps! X

  • Yes I would need support to set it up but is info online I think. I think one of my interests must be searching information . I like looking things up. I know that feeling nothing or very little gets done because go into freeze mode til the anxiety making task is done. Have you got a strategy yet.. ask before you start what is required.. never as simple as that if she's not there. Think we need another new one we need about 2x per week.  No appointments available for cab til 24th. I'm trying to sort stuff , clear up getting ready for my guinea pig to come home. And I found some shillings and pence saving stamps! X

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