Help I am drowning


Excuse what will probably be a dis-jointed intro. My name is Helen and I have a 14yr old son who is autistic. Since he was very little I always knew there was something a little different about him but it wasn't until I went through a very horrid and painful divorce when Ben was 3 that I was able to start noticing issues and look into things. When Ben went to school he continually got into trouble and teachers started to mention Autism and ADHD, Camhs got involved and put everything Ben was experiencing down to the divorce. To cut a very long and very painful story short it took 8yrs before Camhs tested Ben and diagnosed him as autistic.

By this time Ben has become a very angry, depressed, confused boy who detests the thought that he may think about and see the world in a different way, he wants nothing more to be like everyone else but everytime he tries to be like everyone it goes wrong and he ends up acting inappropriately. We are waiting for Camhs to arrange some resolution therapy but have been waiting for months now and I am sat watching my beautiful son retract further into himself in a perfect storm of anger and depsression and feel so helpless.

Sorry for using this intro as some kind of depressing diary but feel so out on a limb.

Thanks for listening.


  • Hi Helen,

    I've just posted a similar response in Angela's thread, that if you are looking for additional support it might be worthwhile looking at a charity or non-government service that can help you while waiting for CAMHS to respond. What type of support you can find locally depends on where you live, but you can search the directory of services here -

    Alternatively you can call the helpline on 0808 800 4104 on weekdays between 10 and 4 (9 to 3 on Fridays) if you want to get advice or support.

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

  • Hi Helen,

    I've just posted a similar response in Angela's thread, that if you are looking for additional support it might be worthwhile looking at a charity or non-government service that can help you while waiting for CAMHS to respond. What type of support you can find locally depends on where you live, but you can search the directory of services here -

    Alternatively you can call the helpline on 0808 800 4104 on weekdays between 10 and 4 (9 to 3 on Fridays) if you want to get advice or support.

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

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