
Hi there I am a mother of a 13 yr old lad who has had many problems in his childhood I have tried to get some help for him but no one listened to me  he started his High school last yr and it came to the same thing my son was bullied again and again and it got to him so bad that he tried to comit sucide  in the PE room he has had enough I got him to cahmms and they said that he needed to be seen at a company called Jigsaw I'm on the waiting list and it wont be for another yr or so they can see that he has issues and they have stated that my son is on the ASD but again I'm still waiting SENCO are involved at school but it don't seem to help out side of school hes bullied and been threatened I cant let him go through this anymore can some one please help me the DRs are a waste of space kind thanks for reading this 

  • Hello Caring mommabean,

    I'm sorry to read of the problems you and your son are having.  I can identify in a way as I was also bullied at school, all the way through.  I didn't have a diagnosis or anything and the schools I went to did nothing.  Hopefully the SENCO will be able to come up with a strategy to help your son.  I know how frustrating it can be with the waiting, though.  I wish I could offer more help.  Have you checked out the resources on here?  There might be something that can help you.

    Support in Education

    Also, the Autism Services Directory may be able to direct you to support in your area...

    Autism Services Directory

    Good luck.

  • Hello Caring mommabean,

    I'm sorry to read of the problems you and your son are having.  I can identify in a way as I was also bullied at school, all the way through.  I didn't have a diagnosis or anything and the schools I went to did nothing.  Hopefully the SENCO will be able to come up with a strategy to help your son.  I know how frustrating it can be with the waiting, though.  I wish I could offer more help.  Have you checked out the resources on here?  There might be something that can help you.

    Support in Education

    Also, the Autism Services Directory may be able to direct you to support in your area...

    Autism Services Directory

    Good luck.

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