Hello everyone

My name is Tim. I am 60.  I suspect I may have some degree of ASD and/or NVLD.   

I have done the RAADS-R at  http://aspietests.org/   Doing both conservative and liberal self assessments.

I also got my sister to answer based on what she knew of me.

I have a long history with psychiatric services since just before I was 17. My most chronic problem is social interaction difficulties. In 60 years I have struggled to have a handful of friends and currently have none IRL as opposed to online 'friends'.  I experience anxiety(general and social) and paranoia.

Attempts to talk about the developmental/learning difficulties(dyspraxia,asd,nvld etc) have fallen on deaf and daft ears. Last time I mentioned it at the depot clinic I was met with total silence. A decade ago a then care coordinator arranged an appointment with a pdoc to discuss things. He asked a couple of totally irrelevant questions before huffily dismissing the issue. Have been scared to press the issue too much as I got branded awkward,demanding and troublesome for seeking more help and support before that. Psychiatric staff are so narrow minded that if you have a psych diagnosis everything is related to that diagnosis whether it makes sense to do that or not.

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