Hello people who care about Autism

I work as a volunteer in a Residential Home that is permanent or semi permanent residence to 6 people who have fairly severe Autism problems.

I have a lovely wife Tricia and a son and daughter, a dog called Poppy who is a nightmare and now live in East Yorkshire [Humberside]

I am 64 years old and really enjoy working with all the residents at the home. My title is 'Befriender' so my 'job' is t take them out from the home in my car and visit places that they have a particular interest in. I really love my job.

In the past, I was an engineer for BT working on Telephone Exchanges so a bit of a 'techie', made redundant I then worked for Thames Water in their Water Quality Laboratory but unfortunately the IRA blew the lab up and I left to join an Internet Company where I got heavily involved in training. When Demon Internet was sold on I became a Tutor in an FE college training school leavers in Electrical and Electronic work, when my health failed a bit I joined LightSpeed IT solutions in Maldon Essex as a training coordinator as a very part time employee. In 2012 I retired as could not cope with the work situation at all.

So, apart from being on the receiving end of the care system, I did not have any qualification for my volunteer job that I do now.

BUT I am working on it. I have now completed a level2 course in Counselling and working on a level 2 Understanding Autism as well as doing a Continual Professional Development course on Alzheimer's disease.

I should have L plates fitted on my front and back :-)

Anyway, for what it is worth, that is me.

  • Great to read this, Palbus.  It's hugely encouraging to know that there are people like yourself who want to learn, understand, and give something to those who need it.

    I've done the Level 2 Understanding Autism course, too.  My only criticism of it was that Nescot gave me a time limit of, if I remember, about two months to complete.  It's a lot to take in, and I had to rush through it - and even then had to apply for an extension.  But it's a worthwhile course and covers a lot of ground.

    Chuck away those L plates! Slight smile

    Good luck,


  • Tom Thank you for your greeting. I did not know much about Autism at all when I first got involved with care work about 10 years ago ish. My daughter is the reason why I became involved she runs a care home and asked me if I wanted to make my interest in Autism more formal and offered me a voluntary job in the home where she is the manager. It is working out very well and I am a model employee who never argues with the boss. The Government sponsored courses are okay but I do agree with you that progress is often pushed and rushed through. I am learning a lot BUT it would be much better if there was more time to assimilate the information - especially when the subject being studied is Autism related - that is full of irony that statement. Thanks for the welcome again, I hope we can talk again soon. Please be patient though as I have a full timetable at the moment and it might take me a little while to reply.

    Cheers Buddy!

  • Tom Thank you for your greeting. I did not know much about Autism at all when I first got involved with care work about 10 years ago ish. My daughter is the reason why I became involved she runs a care home and asked me if I wanted to make my interest in Autism more formal and offered me a voluntary job in the home where she is the manager. It is working out very well and I am a model employee who never argues with the boss. The Government sponsored courses are okay but I do agree with you that progress is often pushed and rushed through. I am learning a lot BUT it would be much better if there was more time to assimilate the information - especially when the subject being studied is Autism related - that is full of irony that statement. Thanks for the welcome again, I hope we can talk again soon. Please be patient though as I have a full timetable at the moment and it might take me a little while to reply.

    Cheers Buddy!

  • Thanks LoneWarrior, I went out on a trip once with a group of all the guys that don't have mobilty problems and their key workers. This was a long while ago. I had been asked to go purely to play shuttlecock tennis with one of the guys. I didn't know anything about Autism at all. I observed the staff there. Some were having fun and were engaging in activities with the Autistic guys. Some were just like me, just observing what was going on. Even then I thought this was sad. If you have a vocation then you should be interested in the work that your calling involves. I decided six months ago that I would be like those key workers that engaged, joined in, did activities. I don't ever want to be just an observer ever again.

    cheers Buddy, I know you will get this.

  • Hi palbus just wanted to say thank you! It needs more people like you who take the time and make the effort to find out about your core subject,as opposed to just getting through the coarse.
