What I am about to talk about is not a joke, I have not been taking any drugs, neither am I under the influence of alcohol. I think I am either very brave? or extremely stupid?? we shall see!! 

It is to do with how we (Me in particular) see things and what we can see. (With my eyes opened or closed, it makes no difference, I can also 'sense or feel' if you will 'somethings'

I am not claiming to be a Temple Grandin, or Rain-man (But I am sure you can guess what my Nickname was growing up."Raymond" that is an interesting life fact I think)  Back on the track, there is no easy way to say this.

I can see, like an X-ray into my partners body. Also I can see where the pain is in her body, including how deep it is. (This is great for her as she has fibro-myalga  I have never really told anyone before about this, (Cos it is kinda scary. And is not 'this will help you fit-in, material') So I am going to put this here, and also on my Facebook page. If anyone want's or need's to private message me about it, feel free to do so, know that I understand why you would feel the need to do that. I think the source of this ability is HFA-Autism, hopefully this will encourage anyone who is like me, to come forward. I guess what I am asking is 'What should I do with it?' There is a massive knowledge bank here on this site, I really need answers. I have put it out there now. Thought's anyone?? For the record I am nod delusional . . . . I eagerly await your replies, thanks from the depths of my soul. Hendrow aka 'Rain-man' 

  • Hello hendrow,very interesting,Your thoughts I am sure will be treated with respect and courtesy on here, I do not have anything similar to put forward but can understand that although we in this community are unique we do have on the whole a different viewpoint to most, wether it is because we become who we are due to outside influence or inevitably would be how we ended up.

    I intend writing some alternative thoughts myself but will hopefully encourage discussion and maybe insight  as to who we are and maybe why we are.

    one thing for sure is our ability to want answers is maybe more than mr average!

    I wish you luck in your quest to understand your gift.

  • Hello hendrow,very interesting,Your thoughts I am sure will be treated with respect and courtesy on here, I do not have anything similar to put forward but can understand that although we in this community are unique we do have on the whole a different viewpoint to most, wether it is because we become who we are due to outside influence or inevitably would be how we ended up.

    I intend writing some alternative thoughts myself but will hopefully encourage discussion and maybe insight  as to who we are and maybe why we are.

    one thing for sure is our ability to want answers is maybe more than mr average!

    I wish you luck in your quest to understand your gift.
