
Hi all, first post.

our paperwork states under current difficulties generalised and separation anxiety difficulties and emotional regulation difficulties. I am unsure if these 2 combined are contributing factors to asd? I originally thought my son was ADHD but results of screening didn't confirm diagnosis. All paperwork states the above 2 things. He's. Even put on sertaline 25mg which doesn't seem to be helping at present, been 3 weeks so early days and option to double dose after next appointment. My son gets very anxious in new situations, is compulsive with food being major issue. Is very demand avoidant and violent when given instructions to do even simple things like get dressed, bath, wash hair etc.  The troubles are getting worse and sibling relationships are deteriorating at a rapid rate. My marriage is on rocks as hubby and I constantly micromanage son, other kids miss out and we don't get any us time. 

We are under camhs but autism has never been mentioned, however i feel there's more going on than anxiety. My hubby has anxiety too, so I have a good understanding. Financially i have to work as does hubby but this has impact on sons behaviour. I work on n NHS and shifts vary every week so no routine. Stealing food is a major issue so he cannot go to clubs as he steals from other kids lunch boxes.

i can feel myself becoming shouty mum as I don't think I can take much more, so I'm reaching out for help and support.

sorry it was an essay and thanks for reading

  • Hi NAS24006

    Welcome to the forum! I know you will find people here who have similar stories to yours, and will be able to offer you advise and support! There are many people who are under CAMHS as well!

    Hang in there!