ASD assessment

Hi, my son who is 12 has been on the autism waiting list for 20 months. I attended the first part of the assessment yesterday which took about 2 and a half hours and was pages of questions based on my son's development from birth. It was very difficult to remember so far back and I found that the clinician dismissed some of my concerns for example sensory issues with sounds- hearing very quiet noises that I can't hear, he said this was normal up until the age of 16. Also my son walks on his toes and he said this could mean a number of things doesn't mean he is autistic. My son is very rigid with foods he eats and routines and he said this could be due to his anxiety. Also said some of his traits could be linked to his  tourettes. Clinician said he was reluctant to give a diagnosis and didn't like to put labels on people if it wasn't going to benefit him. My son goes for his ados assessment on Tuesday and I will get the results of both assesments then. I am w I am worried I will be told he only has traits of autism and not get the help that he needs. Anyone else had the same experience

  • My brother had similar issues with his son. They've moved a few times over the years and one thing that was very clear is that the support greatly depends on where you live. Some places are excellent and some terrible. He heard the reluctance to label concern but it wasn't until he was diagnosed officially that he was able to tap into the support he needed. I wouldn't be afraid to challenge or ask for a second opinion if you feel his assessment is avoiding the obvious.  

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. The main reason I have waited so long for this assessment is so that I can get him the help that he needs in certain areas. I will certainly challenge them if it comes back he only has traits of autism. I did read in the news a while ago that they are in the future only going to diagnose children who have severe autism as so many children are now being diagnosed with the condition. So wondering if this has any bearing on it at all. The clinician he has been seeing at CAMHS thinks he could have Asperger's.

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. The main reason I have waited so long for this assessment is so that I can get him the help that he needs in certain areas. I will certainly challenge them if it comes back he only has traits of autism. I did read in the news a while ago that they are in the future only going to diagnose children who have severe autism as so many children are now being diagnosed with the condition. So wondering if this has any bearing on it at all. The clinician he has been seeing at CAMHS thinks he could have Asperger's.

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