Easy now....

Easy guys 

I'm having assessment for ASD issues, after a life long struggle with finding something useful and productive to do; making friends; and finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. It's been pretty hard, but it looks like I might be getting somehwere - maybe - soon 

I am 49, and depsite a university degree, and a desperate willingness to do the above, I have failed consistently and painfully. It's caused me and others a lot of emotional harm. Some of gained from me though. My 'friends' if you like. I use the term loosely of course.

I was first seen by a child psychiatrist at age 11. I have been involved with adult psychiatric services from age 24-37; and from age 42 til the present.

It's a bit of a bum rap you might say, but yano.... 

Parents Reply
  • I could make an invisible font joke here. I'm new to this whole world too. Can't change the past but for me it finally feels like the dial has moved. Being here helps too. Part of it is seeing others with similar issues and what they do, this in turn helps with the empathy.

  • Exactly I see is as a reason for who I am, not an excuse. It's still up to me to be the best I can.

  • Thanks, Gordon Slight smile

    Invisible font for invisible people, maybe? lol. I'm new to it all as well, and it's both painful, yet at the same time a relief. I am getting to know more now why I have struggled so throughout life, and that there is an explanation and a reason for how I am, and how my life has panned out - and gone down the pan you might say, to an extent hehe. 

    Hope you're doing good, Bro. Have a nice weekend