Hello, new here :)

I'm not too sure where to start with this as its all so new to me but I'll give it a go. 

Hi, I'm PJ and I am 17. He/Him.

My counselor recently mentioned that he and a doctor at CAMHS had discussed about me and both agreeded that I may be on the autism spectrum, things started to click in my brain after a short amount of discussion and a lot of thinking on my part later on. I think i've been influenced by the sterotypical ASD profile and never really thought of myself as being autistic... but now I realise how much sense this makes. 

After that appoitment I also mentioned it to my mum and she told me that it makes a lot of sense because a lot of things that I did growing up link in. Apparently when I was learning to speak it took a while for me to join words together to make a sentence, I found it hard moving onto solid foods, I went straight to walking and only shuffled before hand/ didn't "cruise" on furniture. Later on as I got into school, I found it hard to learn things especially reading because I found it hard to take in what it mean't and this has carried on through my life. Socially I've always struggled as well, I've always rather do things on my own oppossed to with others and in that regard I've been seen as very mature for my age.

Another thing is that I can get really frustrated which over the years have caused massive arguments with my family, I realise now that this was likley an overload, it would end up with me in tears and needing to get the frustration out (felt like I was going to explode). 

Also I've always struggled with empathy and struggled to relate/see/take in the emotions of others. I also have always infodumped on certain special interest things but on the flip side found it hard to grasp other stuff. I've always had a connection to stuffed animals, which has also carried on into my teens. 

There are many other things I could say but I intended to keep this short and sweet, I'm not yet professionally diognosed but I intend to go don this route. Its all so new and most of this I am still trying to process but it is a nice feeling to have my whole life make sense ... finally. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did :)