Self-Diagnosed for now, struggling to get diagnosis.

Since graduating from college I've been strugglign to adapt to society, I've been unable to hold down a job and have been dealing with depression, mood swings and a whole host of mood swings. My wife pointed out to me a while back that I showed a lot of signs of autism, and rethinking about my childhood (I was always paranoid that people weren't telling me that there was something wrong with me. I wasn't like the other kids, I did well in school, but I didn't act like them, I didn't talk like them, and I didn't think like them), I couldn't read until I was in 4th grade, and the only solice outside of learning I ever took was video games. It was the world I understood best. 

My psychiatrist agrees that I might have autism but is telling me that a diagnosis would do nothing for me, and that kaiser, at least the one I go to, will only diagnos children and that they don't see a point to diagnosing adults because we should already have coping mechanisms. School was the only thing I ever understood. It made sense. I have a schedule, I attend, I learn at my own pace, I can leave and return, I gain knowledge, I grow in power, I move onto the next adventure. It was even easier to be social, I felt safe. It was an environment I knew.

Anyways, I forgot what my point was. I guess I just wanted to be heard, realize I'm not crazy, that I do have this problem and that I can finally start finding resources to help me succeed.  

  • Mmmmm. I don't recognise your description of Trump I'm afraid. He has just fired the head of the FBI I hear. Not much compassion in that surely. Sounds like he is behaving like he is back on his TV show to me. I would use terms like ruthless, dishonest, devious, and yes cunning sometimes.

    Good examples of capitalists? I would be convinced if you could find some.

    Communism failed because of the financial pressure exerted by capitalism and because corruption amongst the leaders crept in. Animal Farm springs to mind.

    I read George Monbiot talking about "commonism" recently but he has not developed the idea too far in a way I could grasp the concept.

    No way are farmers working in the private sector. 70% of farmers incomes come from state subsidy I heard recently on TV. I agree the private sector should not be allowed to take over the NHS. That would be a licence to print money by big businesses.

    I agree population and energy are the big challenges and yes the sun is the source of all our energy. Fusion reactors could provide endless energy but we do not have the technology to build them yet. China tried population control but it failed due to unforseen side effects. Voluntary self control might work but there are other influences at work particularly in certain religions where birth control is not permitted. That would need all nations on the earth to educate their populations to the same standard as the western developed nations on the unsustainability of population growth and need for restraint. Could that be done in time to prevent disastrous climate change?

    Civilisations have come and gone on earth in the past (Incas for instance)

    Will ours survive without dramatic change. Not confident at the moment.

    Thanks for your thoughts anyway, Take care, Laddie

  • Mmmmm. I don't recognise your description of Trump I'm afraid. He has just fired the head of the FBI I hear. Not much compassion in that surely. Sounds like he is behaving like he is back on his TV show to me. I would use terms like ruthless, dishonest, devious, and yes cunning sometimes.

    Good examples of capitalists? I would be convinced if you could find some.

    Communism failed because of the financial pressure exerted by capitalism and because corruption amongst the leaders crept in. Animal Farm springs to mind.

    I read George Monbiot talking about "commonism" recently but he has not developed the idea too far in a way I could grasp the concept.

    No way are farmers working in the private sector. 70% of farmers incomes come from state subsidy I heard recently on TV. I agree the private sector should not be allowed to take over the NHS. That would be a licence to print money by big businesses.

    I agree population and energy are the big challenges and yes the sun is the source of all our energy. Fusion reactors could provide endless energy but we do not have the technology to build them yet. China tried population control but it failed due to unforseen side effects. Voluntary self control might work but there are other influences at work particularly in certain religions where birth control is not permitted. That would need all nations on the earth to educate their populations to the same standard as the western developed nations on the unsustainability of population growth and need for restraint. Could that be done in time to prevent disastrous climate change?

    Civilisations have come and gone on earth in the past (Incas for instance)

    Will ours survive without dramatic change. Not confident at the moment.

    Thanks for your thoughts anyway, Take care, Laddie

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