Self-Diagnosed for now, struggling to get diagnosis.

Since graduating from college I've been strugglign to adapt to society, I've been unable to hold down a job and have been dealing with depression, mood swings and a whole host of mood swings. My wife pointed out to me a while back that I showed a lot of signs of autism, and rethinking about my childhood (I was always paranoid that people weren't telling me that there was something wrong with me. I wasn't like the other kids, I did well in school, but I didn't act like them, I didn't talk like them, and I didn't think like them), I couldn't read until I was in 4th grade, and the only solice outside of learning I ever took was video games. It was the world I understood best. 

My psychiatrist agrees that I might have autism but is telling me that a diagnosis would do nothing for me, and that kaiser, at least the one I go to, will only diagnos children and that they don't see a point to diagnosing adults because we should already have coping mechanisms. School was the only thing I ever understood. It made sense. I have a schedule, I attend, I learn at my own pace, I can leave and return, I gain knowledge, I grow in power, I move onto the next adventure. It was even easier to be social, I felt safe. It was an environment I knew.

Anyways, I forgot what my point was. I guess I just wanted to be heard, realize I'm not crazy, that I do have this problem and that I can finally start finding resources to help me succeed.  

  • Recombinantsocks,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. No drugs bye the way, I was referring to alcohol when I used the term drugs. I asked my GP and psychiatrist to prescribe drugs to reduce my alcohol consumption but they both said NO. So I was brushed aside like the OP. I have not been back to see either since. Like you say they don't believe me. As far as they are concerned I am the one who is wrong about my diagnosis.

    My point in raising the issue of "infiltration" was made clear by Trainspotter who had to pay to get his diagnosis. The only objectors to Nye Bevan when he started the NHS were the doctors themselves. They feared their incomes would be reduced by collective bargaining. Sad but true. No one can command a sick persons attention/wallet like a doctor. Again sad but true IMHO.

    So my point was merely to raise awareness that there may be ulterior motives behind a lack of funding for our NHS. Obamacare has just been repealed by the US gov't in favour of a privatised healthcare system. I think it will happen here eventually too.

    You may be right when you tell me it is me who is wrong and everyone else is right. I would not judge you based on your thoughtful posts on this forum but you seem to feel it is OK to judge others yourself. You of course are free to do so and I agree we all have a right to free speech even if it causes offence on some occasions. 

    I base my opinions on our current society from the books I read by authors who have spent many hours researching their topics and studying them in much more detail than me. They may come to different conclusions than you do but I trust their judgement over yours I am afraid. I refer to people like Prof James Lovelock, Naomi Klein, Paul Mason, George Monbiot amongst others. I suggest you read their books before commenting further on the direction modern society is heading.

    The older I get and the more I learn about human nature the more lonely I feel.

    Take care, Laddie.

  • Recombinantsocks,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. No drugs bye the way, I was referring to alcohol when I used the term drugs. I asked my GP and psychiatrist to prescribe drugs to reduce my alcohol consumption but they both said NO. So I was brushed aside like the OP. I have not been back to see either since. Like you say they don't believe me. As far as they are concerned I am the one who is wrong about my diagnosis.

    My point in raising the issue of "infiltration" was made clear by Trainspotter who had to pay to get his diagnosis. The only objectors to Nye Bevan when he started the NHS were the doctors themselves. They feared their incomes would be reduced by collective bargaining. Sad but true. No one can command a sick persons attention/wallet like a doctor. Again sad but true IMHO.

    So my point was merely to raise awareness that there may be ulterior motives behind a lack of funding for our NHS. Obamacare has just been repealed by the US gov't in favour of a privatised healthcare system. I think it will happen here eventually too.

    You may be right when you tell me it is me who is wrong and everyone else is right. I would not judge you based on your thoughtful posts on this forum but you seem to feel it is OK to judge others yourself. You of course are free to do so and I agree we all have a right to free speech even if it causes offence on some occasions. 

    I base my opinions on our current society from the books I read by authors who have spent many hours researching their topics and studying them in much more detail than me. They may come to different conclusions than you do but I trust their judgement over yours I am afraid. I refer to people like Prof James Lovelock, Naomi Klein, Paul Mason, George Monbiot amongst others. I suggest you read their books before commenting further on the direction modern society is heading.

    The older I get and the more I learn about human nature the more lonely I feel.

    Take care, Laddie.

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