Just joined forum

Hi. I've just joined this forum and not sure if I am in the right place for adding my story.  Sorry if not, but here's hoping I am!!  I will keep it brief though :-)

My son has recently turned 15 years old.  We first became aware that he was different when he was about 8 or 9 years old.  All of his school reports stated that he was forgetful, easily distracted, always losing things and strugged socially.  The primary school that he was at weren't very helpful on the whole as he wasn't naughty or disruptive.  However, we did get the SENCO on board and she was a life saver for him during the last couple of years of primary school.

We have tried on several occasions to get him referred to the right counsellor, etc but it hasn't really gone to plan.

He moved to secondary school and I have to admit, I was shocked as to how well he settled in.  He didn't get lost, lose his books or PE kit, miss the bus etc.  He even managed to make friends.  I couldn't have been happier or more relieved.

However, now he only has just over a year to go until GCSE's and I am worried that he is not going to reach his potential.  He has always struggled with being interested in things but when he is, it's obsessional.  All he does, all the time, is play on his Xbox, (but we do limit his time) and when his time is up, he reads Harry Potter.  On the surface, I know that doesn't sound too bad.  However, this has been going on for at least the last 3 years.  He just reads the same 7 books over and over again.  

There has been a lot more things happening with him over the years but like I said, I would like to keep it brief for now.  

I would like some advice as to how I can help him.  How can I motivate him, how can I get him to be interested in things, how can he be more sociable.  Is it best to try and get a diagnosis?  I know he is at the very minimal end of the spectrum but I know he's on it.  This is not a 15 year old boy just being a teenager!!  I have been told that so many times but I know my son.

I would appreciate any help or advice anyone could offer.

Many thanks
