Newbie saying 'Hi everyone'

Hi all,

Would just like to say 'Hi' to everyone, I'm a single mum of an 11 soon to be 12 year old lad with autism, he has moderate learning difficulties.

Hes in special school where he can be quite badly behaved yet at home...hes as good as gold so as you can imagine I,m more than a little confused.  He went to a mainstream primary school where they quite frankly had no idea on how to deal with his behaviour, once they punished him 2 weeks after he had done something wrong (he wasnt allowed to go to the end of term Christmas panto yet the 'offence' took place on the 3rd of December! when I tried to talk to the headmistress I was told she wasnt prepared to discuss the matter - anyway to cut a long story short they treated him very badly - I,m wondering now if this could have any bearing on his behaviour in his behaviour now in his special school? He doesnt see that all the kids there are on the spectrum, he thinks its just him.

Can anyone give me an idea of why hes chilled out at home but not at school? Thanks in advance all x

  • Hi,

    I went to a mainstream school, I wasnt diagoned til 18. So he is lucky. In my experience, from listening to my brothers behaviour (He is autistic too) and looking at mine, acting differently at school seems to be because of the diffcultly of trying to fit it. Maybe it is because he doesnt fully understand that others around him are the same. Or it might be better than mainstream but still different from home because he is still using quite a bit of mental energy to interact with other aspies. I know that personally I struggle with other aspies nearly as much as other people and after I am drained. This could be another reason.

    This probably sounds stupid as you have probably already tried. But try talking to him as clearly as possible. Making sure he understands that he can be himself at school. And ask if there is anything that bugs him. As the previous post says, it could just be something simple as something triggering this behaviour.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi,

    I went to a mainstream school, I wasnt diagoned til 18. So he is lucky. In my experience, from listening to my brothers behaviour (He is autistic too) and looking at mine, acting differently at school seems to be because of the diffcultly of trying to fit it. Maybe it is because he doesnt fully understand that others around him are the same. Or it might be better than mainstream but still different from home because he is still using quite a bit of mental energy to interact with other aspies. I know that personally I struggle with other aspies nearly as much as other people and after I am drained. This could be another reason.

    This probably sounds stupid as you have probably already tried. But try talking to him as clearly as possible. Making sure he understands that he can be himself at school. And ask if there is anything that bugs him. As the previous post says, it could just be something simple as something triggering this behaviour.

    Hope this helps.

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