Recent Diagnosis, A little bit scared?

Hi, I'm Charlie.

I went for a private diagnosis yesterday 4/4/17 at the age of 24. My whole family and partner of 5 years attended and we spoke with a consultant and doctor for around 4 hours! 

I have to admit, it was my mother who suggested I might be autistic but I always shrugged it off because I felt like I was nothing like autistic people that I had seen through media or social gathering. The majority of people I had seen were male and I genuinely had no idea that it shows in women differently. So when I sat down i was very sceptical but I kept an open mind.

In the end I think we all had our ideas about what autism is broadened by what we were told and a lot of the things I considered to be completely "normal" were actually pretty different compared to the rest of my family, such as thought patterns and reactions to various sensual stimuli. 

It seems that a lot of my difficulties make so much more sense to me now and my family seem to realise that a lot of things I did in my past especially dring childhood is far more explainable with this diagnosis. 

Im not really sure what else to say or if writing all this out is of any help or use to anyone? I do not feel that I look or act Autistic (In a non-offensive way) So I am also pretty scared that people who have initially the same experiances as I used to think from lack of knowledge will not believe me.

Please feel free to give me a bit of advice or comfort. I really feel strange.

  • Hey,

    This is exactly what happened to me, I found out I had high functioning autism or aspergers but I refused to accept it as I didnt want people to see me differently. But now, I just know deep down that im still Jess, just Jess that needs a little more time to take things in and I know that I like to be on my own. Think of it as a good thing, you now know more about yourself!

    I still havent told anyone apart from family 4 months on as im a bit embarrassed and to be honest, I think its a private matter. However,if you feel like you want to tell everyone it may help people to understand you more x

  • Hey,

    This is exactly what happened to me, I found out I had high functioning autism or aspergers but I refused to accept it as I didnt want people to see me differently. But now, I just know deep down that im still Jess, just Jess that needs a little more time to take things in and I know that I like to be on my own. Think of it as a good thing, you now know more about yourself!

    I still havent told anyone apart from family 4 months on as im a bit embarrassed and to be honest, I think its a private matter. However,if you feel like you want to tell everyone it may help people to understand you more x

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