New member

Hello all,

I'm new to the forum. I'm female and 34, living in Belfast.

I have suspected for years, since I first heard of it in my late teens, that I might have Aspergers Syndrome. It seemed to fit my life experiences so well, but pursuing diagnosis didn't seem worth it or feasible at the time. 

Now, I entered a job scheme in 2014 that has pushed me beyond the limits of my coping skills. One of my uni flatmates was diagnosed with ASD recently, and combined with my current exhaustion and stress, this made me think it might be useful to at least find out. I work in a large org with roles I could be moved to which would be catastrophic for everyone, including myself, so from an occupational health viewpoint it would be benficial to know if I do have AS.

I have been doing research and now have an inital assessment booked for 24th April, so I will be preparing for that over the next few weeks.