
Hi Everyone, 

My name is James I am 26 from the county of Royal Berkshire, I was recently diagnosed with autism back in july 2016, I originally was diagnosed with dyspraxia when i was at school, but then i had a rediagnosis and they said i have a very mild/Boarderline autism, at first I was a bit like what does this mean? how will it effect me? but since then I have learnt that actually it doesnt effect me in to many ways, if you was to look at me you wouldnt know that i had any disabilities unless i told you, I have also recently learnt that people with Autism can be very clever, I am clever when it comes to technology and knowing how to fix things like laptops & phones etc. 

I have signed up to this forum to meet new people who may have any form of autism to learn how it effects other people in their day to day lives. I am a very honest and open person and I am willing to talk to anyone, 

Please feel free to ask me any questions and i will do my best to answer them for you. 

  • Hi James, 

    My name is Charlie I am 24 from London, I have Aspergers' and can tell you that it does not affect much in your life except for social life. I find that people who have it look at life in more detail than so called normal people and are definetely usually more clever in certain ways, especially creative and critical thinking.

    Like you people always are shocked to find out I have Aspergers' and say 'you seem so normal', it can be confusing for people I think, I even had a boss who thought I was pretending! I personally dont think we are the disabled ones just because we dont fit in with the idealistic way of society, the things so called normal people talk about most of the time are obvious things and things that dont necessarily need to be said.

    Not sure about yourself but I have a strong minds eye and can picture things without using my eyes in very clear detail. Technology is great, yes, and I think a lot of people on the autistic spectrum are very good with computers and such things.

    Do you work? If so what do you do? I have just got a part-time job as a cleaner, which I find is a peaceful job without too much emphasis on socialising, I have also recently been for an interview for an IT Apprentice to work with computers, I am awaiting the decision from the employer weather to employ me.

    What is your dream job and what are your hobbies / interests?


  • Hi James, 

    My name is Charlie I am 24 from London, I have Aspergers' and can tell you that it does not affect much in your life except for social life. I find that people who have it look at life in more detail than so called normal people and are definetely usually more clever in certain ways, especially creative and critical thinking.

    Like you people always are shocked to find out I have Aspergers' and say 'you seem so normal', it can be confusing for people I think, I even had a boss who thought I was pretending! I personally dont think we are the disabled ones just because we dont fit in with the idealistic way of society, the things so called normal people talk about most of the time are obvious things and things that dont necessarily need to be said.

    Not sure about yourself but I have a strong minds eye and can picture things without using my eyes in very clear detail. Technology is great, yes, and I think a lot of people on the autistic spectrum are very good with computers and such things.

    Do you work? If so what do you do? I have just got a part-time job as a cleaner, which I find is a peaceful job without too much emphasis on socialising, I have also recently been for an interview for an IT Apprentice to work with computers, I am awaiting the decision from the employer weather to employ me.

    What is your dream job and what are your hobbies / interests?


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