Not been formally diagnosed yet but ....

...think I'm Aspergers. I have taken the online tests and 'passed' with flying colours. It upset me for quite a while after but now find it's better to understand 'why' my life's been so bloody difficult. Why I am the way I am; why I'm 'different'. I can celebrate the differences. I can wish the whole world was 'Aspergers' so I'd fit in. But what' the use?

I've put off getting a formal diagnosis until last week when finally got an appointment to see a Doctor. She say's it'll take a while to be assessed but I don't care. I was expecting to get rebuffed but she didn't. She probably noticed my 'Aspergers'. So I will go from here. I haven't told my son (aged 27) and don't think I will.  

  • when you have social anxiety it takes over everything else.  i dont even tell the dr how i really feel as i just want to get in there and out asap.

    i myself wondered and did test got 38 so top of class.  but its hard to get past going to appointments v benefits they may have.

    i have failed dla, esa, etc so many times and had to appeal or my ex did - now i amon my own so no chance there.

    its a mystery.

  • I'm sorry I meant to post that in a new thread but don't really know what I am doing. 

  • hi I am new to this. Id like to talk to others who may understand. It has been suggested to me by a clinical psychologist that I may have high functioning autism. I can see where she is coming from and am uncertain about whether I want a formal diagnosis (she says she cannot do this becasue she already knows me). I feel I communicate ok with people I know and one at a time. In a group or with unfamiliar people o find it very hard to speak at all. I also have bipolar (medicated) but feel this does not completely explain my difficulties. I have been to university twice and coped fine academically but struggled with social side and looking after myself and dropped out both times in the second year. I am now 34 and live with my mum as I basically cannot cope on my own. I feel comfortable in her company and in that of a few others who's company I seek out but just those few people. I do a few hours work with a 19 year old with cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. In the past I worked with children with severe autism and related very well to them. I worked one to one in the community. One of the parents I worked with suggested ten years ago that I may be on the spectrum but I never followed it up. I suffer from anxiety which ranges from manageable to severe and is medicated. I wondered if anyone can understand any of this? i think I want to be understood and have an explanation for why I struggle. Thank you for any thoughts.