Autistic Aunt verbally assaulted on London Bus

Hello Everybody, 

This is the first time I have done this, so I hope it is received well by you all. At this moment I am looking for help in this matter. 

Last week my aunt got on the bus in London. When she got on the bus, she asked the driver if she was on the right bus, going in the right direction. She was met with a torrent of verbal abuse by the bus driver, swearing at her and shouting. 

She was then helped by another passenger who told the bus driver that was no way to speak to anybody, furthermore somebody who has autism or learning difficulties. 

From what I understand, this was a case of mistaken identity, as he said to her 'you are always on this f**king bus asking me questions'. She said she has never seen this bus driver before and she is quite good with faces. 

She is now refusing to get on the bus again which is very important for her daily routines. 

I would like to know if anybody else has suffered with any cases like these and what the best course of action would be from here to alert TfL of this and to guide my aunt back on the path of independence. 

As I said, this is something I have never done before and I am deeply upset that this is something she has to deal with. 

Any advice or support would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Podgems

    No one should be treated like that.  

    This would be recorded on cctv, so complain to tfl saying the bus and time your aunt was on the bus. 

    This should be investigated and an apology sent to your aunt.  This behaviour is actually criminal behaviour - it is verbal abuse and there is a notice on the bus about verbal abuse not being tolerated.  

    I hope the matter will not put your aunt off travelling by bus, not all bus drivers are like that by any means.  Best wishes to your aunt

  • Hi Podgems

    No one should be treated like that.  

    This would be recorded on cctv, so complain to tfl saying the bus and time your aunt was on the bus. 

    This should be investigated and an apology sent to your aunt.  This behaviour is actually criminal behaviour - it is verbal abuse and there is a notice on the bus about verbal abuse not being tolerated.  

    I hope the matter will not put your aunt off travelling by bus, not all bus drivers are like that by any means.  Best wishes to your aunt

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