
Hi everyone,

Im Jess and I am 16 years old. I enjoy reading and writing and imagining things. I have aspergers or high-functioning autism. Although I am sure many people have it worse, it does have a big impact on my life but with help I am learning to live with it :)

I find school very stressful. I hate social situations yet I do try and put myself out there to make friends. I hate answering the phone. I am pretty good at hiding my anxiety, except when I have my meltdowns!

I have a few close friends, and I do try and talk to people but it it sometimes quite a challenge.

This site has been a massive help just to find and talk to people that wont judge or have been through the same thing as me.

Thank you for reading, if anyone can relate please tell me, I am always worried I am the only one feeling like this :) x